Thursday, September 20, 2007

Whew...too much time on the road.

Wow, we have tried to cram an aweful lot of travel into a short couple of weeks. Amazingly, K did quite well with all of the time in the car. We can all recite the words to Finding Nemo from memory at this point and the car is in need of a serious bath, but we had a great time!

K learned to play kickball with cousins, aunts, uncles, great aunts/uncles, second cousins, etc. We had four generations together for a wonderful day Labor Day weekend. We met some distant relatives and the entire family was introduced to a newly-adopted little girl from China.

That short trip was followed by a 12-hour drive to the coast for a week of relaxation. K LOVED the sand, but wasn't a fan of the ocean. The waves coming in scared her a bit. We did have a breakthrough in the pool - she had a blast! It was a great trip and we got to spend some quality time together and with our friends.

A few days later we took off for a short trip to visit friends in St. Louis. Six more hours in the car each way, but it was definitely worth it! It was great to meet my friend's daughter and for her to meet K. Two years is way too long to go between visits to close friends!

Finally we're home for a few weeks! Sometimes I feel like I need a vacation after our vacations just to rest up. For now I think a nap will do...hopefully K will sleep well this afternoon!

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